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BARBADOS - Certificate in Corporate Governance (CCG) Part 1 - Corporate Governance

  • 14 Jul 2015
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Hilton Barbados Resort


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Goals of the Certificate in Corporate Governance (CCG) Programme:

The Certificate in Corporate Governance encompasses the core knowledge and awareness that is necessary to function effectively as a director and includes:

  • An in-depth view of the role, responsibilities and legal duties of a director
  • An understanding of the characteristics of an effective board
  • Sound knowledge of financial terms and concepts
  • The issues and processes associated with formulating strategic and business plans and achieving strategic leadership.

This is covered in a series of four courses and leads to the Certificate examination. The Certificate in Corporate Governance Programme has the following features:

  • Certification based on assessment that contains a knowledge test.
  • A core staff of qualified instructors. Many of the instructors will have attended a Training of Trainers Programme led by an International Finance Corporation Master Trainer.
  • An advisory group consisting of both regional and international persons to guide the programme.
  • The examination structure is based upon UK National Occupational Standards for Corporate Governance as our basis for us to accredit successful candidates.

In order to ensure high participation rates, reduce costs for participants, increase flexibility in dates and increase flexibility in educational choice, the participants can choose when to do the different components and then decide when to be certified.

Target Group

The course is designed to meet the development needs of existing, new and aspiring members of and advisors to Boards of Directors, including:

  • Chairmen
  • Executive Directors
  • Non-Executive Directors (both newly appointed and experienced)
  • Independent directors
  • Company Secretaries
  • Legal Counsels
  • Consultants

The course is also designed to meet the development needs of senior managers who report to the Board or Board Committees or are members of the Executive Committee who are interested in expanding their knowledge and applied experience of boardroom activities, including:

  • Executive committee members
  • Vice Presidents
  • General Managers
  • Corporate Governance Executives
  • Chief Risk Officers
  • Internal Audit Officers

The course is relevant for directors and senior managers in:

  • Multinational Companies (MNCs)
  • Listed companies,
  • Public Interest companies;
  • State Owned Enterprises and Parastate Organisations;
  • Unlisted and family companies;
  • Not for Profit sector Organizations; and
  • Partnerships

In addition professional executives with an interest in Corporate Governance may find the course to be relevant and useful e.g. media, judiciary, legal, accounting, finance and banking.

This course explores the roles played by the Shareowners, Boards, Directors, Executive Managers, and other stakeholders. (1 day conference style)

The course will:
  • Define and explain the key principles and elements of good corporate governance systems
  • Explain how a corporate governance framework works effectively within a company
  • Identify how to respond to corporate governance concerns and challenges
  • Describe the policies and procedures of a corporate governance system
  • Explain the business case for corporate governance
  • Identify ethical challenges and how these are addressed through a business ethics system
  • Describe the benefits of providing timely, accurate disclosures
  • Explain company information (financial and non-financial) that should be disclosed
  • Determine good practices to deal with insider trading and related-party transactions
  • Identify shareowner rights established by law or mutual agreements
  • Describe how minority shareowner rights are protected
  • Identify key stakeholders and recognize their importance


Alison Kibirige - READ MORE

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